Category:Aberrant Biology

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Aberrant biology studies life that strays far from accepted norms. Biology does not recognise the aberration type per se. Members of this type do, however, readily admit of study by the intripid biologist as instances of aberrant biology. Instances of abnormal anatomy or of abnormal physiology that tend towards the bizarre end of the spectrum can easily end up being treated as instance of aberrant biology. In truth, there is no agreed upon definition of the parameters of the field and there are few biologists working in it. Perhaps it is less surprising then that the best known work of aberrant biology wasn't even written by a specialist in the field but instead by Professor Abelhous Nicholsi of the University of Il Aluk. The work is titled Speculative Biology of an Inhabitant of Bluetspur and recounts an autopsy that he performed in Hazlan in 743 BC.


This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.