Category:Cerebral Leech

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Descriptive Text

Tomtadet was dead. Silvana was barely standing, and my arm was severely burned. We were victorious, by Hala and Ezra's twin blessings.

It was then: I saw it. Slowly crawling out of the dead wizard's neck, was a small creature, similiar to a worm or a a leech, colored of a reddish purple, slithering as if possessing an innate intelligence. As it moved toward me, I could feel a voice in the back of my head: it was the creature, begging to be picked up and placed on my own neck!

The horrible creature ended its pathetic life under my boots. Was it the source of much of Tomtadet powers?

-Lord of the Ensonmmark, the third and last book from the Trilogy of the Two Clerics series by Sir Julius Renaut (published in Mordent, Richemulot, Dementlieu, and Martira Bay. Banned in Borca, Hazlan and Nova Vaasa for heresy, public insult of Divine Lord Hazlik, and references to the "By The Lawgiver's Holy And Powerful Decree Best Forgotten And Lost Realm Of Unholiness Named Bluetspur, May It Be Lost In The Mists Forever)[1]


  1. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by Jakob), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board.

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