Category:Cult of Malar

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The Cult of Malar venerates the Faerunian deity Malar, the Beast Lord[1]. As on Faerun, the Malarites worship from the shadows, their faith inimical to most lands because of the perverse rites and sacrifices they perform, their terrorizing of urban communities, and their wanton murder of druids and rangers.[1]

In the Land of Mists, the cult has shown up in one location: the town of Aferdale. In that town, the Malarites hunted the local beasts so much they were all but wiped out. After the then-current cult leader was deposed, the mind flayer named Malisha took over. Under her direction, the cult began kidnapping the Aferdale townspeople and transforming them into various animals for the hunt.[2]

The only known temple of Malar was a hidden one in Aferdale. It was disguised as a temple to a made-up god named Weeshy.[3] After the cult's discovery and Malisha's death/rebirth, the cult has spread out throughout Liffe such that it avoids the sort of attention that destroyed it before. Note that in that netbook, the Cult of Malar is simply referred to as the Beast Cult, an offshoot of the Thousand Gods religion. As depicted in that source, numerous brutal gods and spirits are venerated as part of the cult[4]

Click here for more information on Malar in Faerun


Pages in category "Cult of Malar"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.