Category:Cult of Merrshaulk

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The cult of Mersshaulk worships Merrshaulk, known as the god of the yuan-ti on many outlander worlds, Merrshaulk serves as the god of the yuan-ti. As such, his worshipers on said worlds are mainly yuan-ti, with yuan-ti abominations serving as his specialty priests and the leaders of his cult. His portfolio includes poison and somnolence, and his holy symbol is the head of a cobra[1].

Inside the Demiplane of Dread, Mersshaulk is worshiped by the diminutive reptile men of Souragne's swamps. Originally from some outlander world, this race of reptile men venerate him as a god of reptiles. Their cult recognizes Sandovor, a human werecrocodile imbued with all the powers of a specialty priest of Merrshaulk, as Merrshaulk's high priest and even avatar of their deity. The cult makes monthly human sacrifices to Sandovor and Merrshaulk, through a communal devouring of the sacrifice. Under Sandovor's leadership, the reptile men have built a a pyramid serving as a dedicated place of worship for Merrshaulk, though it only remains partially completed[2].

Spell Domains (3rd Edition Rules)

Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Plant[3]




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Pages in category "Cult of Merrshaulk"

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