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Deanimation is the severing of a creature from its animating energy. This may or may not result in its destruction. A wraith that is turned by sufficiently high level cleric is deanimated and ceases to exist. A vampire with a stake put through its heart is deanimated. It is a corpse that is not walking. Remove the stake and it is fully restore its previous existence. A humanoid who bleeds to death is deanimated. His or her corpse can be reanimated and his or her life restored with a raise dead spell. A golem that is hacked to piece is deanimated . . . for a time at leaset. All too often that time is short. A troll that is hacked to pieces is not deanimated. Its deanimation requires it to be burn to ash.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.