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The Moon has a strong effect on many werebeasts.
The Moon has a strong effect on many werebeasts.

The changing face of the moon is described by the lunar cycle. At the brightest point in this cycle the moon is said to be full and at the dimmest it is new said to be new.

The full moon in particular is associated with werebeasts and especially werewolves. It is believed to trigger their transformation from man to beast.

The moon is significantly responsible for tides. It is aided and abetted in this by the sun. Tides can be readily predicted but both the lunar cycle and the solar cycle must be taken into account.

The the Verduous Lands cluster (Saragoss, Sri Raji, and the Wildlands) does not have a moon with potentially interesting consequences for lycanthropes having some part of the lunar cycle as their trigger condition. Equally, there should be no tides, if tides correspond to the lunar and solar cycles elsewhere in the Land of Mists.


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Pages in category "Moon"

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