Category:Satellite Villages

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The satellite villages are communities on the outskirts of Il Aluk, once in Darkon but now part of Necropolis since the Requiem. As such, all of the satellite villages are located within the Shroud, save for half of Despondia which remains within Darkon[1].

Consisting mainly of warehouses, noble residences, and peasant homes, the satellite villages came to rely completely on Il Aluk for succor and eventually identity, with few features to mark the satellite villages as distinct entities. However, the scarcity of resources caused by the Requiem has benefited the satellite village inhabitants by enabling them to severely mark up the prices for the Il Aluk citygoers who desire the products stored in the satellite village warehouses. At the same time, the satellite village townspeople have had to take steps to protect their dwindling supplies from citygoer raids. To this end, Decimus and Desolatus have constructed surrounding walls[1].

Note that despite the term satellite village, these communities are for the most part larger than villages indicated by the definition under the 3rd Edition ruleset. The four satellite villages are[2]:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ravenloft Gazetteer II p. 61
  2. Gazetteer II p. 56, 62

Pages in category "Satellite Villages"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.