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The Saugh are undead created by Prince Loht to serve in his armies.[1] He used the bodies of dead humans brought from other domains to the Shadow Rift for reanimation.[2] Although they once seemed to be his minions, they in reality served the bidding of Gwydion.[1] Since Gwydion's maiming of and the revelations of the fiend's manipulations in 751 BC, the Arak have made several efforts to purge the Shadow Rift of the saugh but have failed as the saugh have adopted more sophisticated responses.[3] The Unseelie Court still regularly make attempts to lower the saugh's numbers, with some controversy among the necromancy-loving sith.[4]

The saugh are legion and their types diverse.[5] Although some are fairly weak and relatively mundane Obedient Dead like skeletons and zombies[3], others are more more exotic, such as the blazing bones and the Spawn of Kyuss.[6] Even incorporeal undead may be part of the saugh.[7] The Dearg-Due and the Gossamer are two specific types of undead seemingly peculiar to the saugh.[8]

As one might expect, the saugh can be encountered in the Shadow Rift. They tend to cluster toward the stowndowns in the southern part of the Rift where the Arak rarely tread. Corporeal saugh tend to inhabit the more arid areas[3] such as the Darkenheights[9] whereas incorporeal saugh tend to inhabit the wetter Black Marsh.[9][3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Shadow Rift (Module) p. 155
  2. The Shadow Rift (Module) p. 129
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Ravenloft Gazetteer V p. 105
  4. Ravenloft Gazetteer V p. 113
  5. For a list of saugh, see Gazetteer V p. 105 and the Shadow Rift module p. 103 and 105
  6. A random saugh encounter chart for different kinds of corporeal undead saugh can be found in the Shadow Rift module, p. 106
  7. For a random encounter chart, see the Shadow Rift p. 103
  8. The Shadow Rift p. 155-156
  9. 9.0 9.1 the Shadow Rift p. 100


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