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Speleology is a branch of natural history and in particular a subbranch of geology which explores and studies caves. It distinguishes itself from caving in terms of its commitment to research and its pursuit of knowledge.

The Land of Mists does not have an underdark comparable to that of other worlds. There are certainly caves, abandoned mines, and even the ruins of an underground kingdom. But these are not, for the most part, connected to one another. There is no web of geo-political relations paralleling that of the domains of the surface. This less civilised underworld constitutes, if anything, a greater challenge to cavers. There should be no expectation of happening upon goodly races, trade-dependent communities, or even well worn paths when plunging into the deep. Understandably, there are few who welcome the dangers of exploring places from where none perhaps have ever returned. The community of cavers is not large. A significant part of it belongs to the Dark Delvers, a secret society that guards jealously its hard won knowledge of things alien to the light of day.


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