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Telthor are spirit animals or people that guard the land. On Faerun, telthors are tied to Rashemen, while in Ravenloft, they are found in regions of Hazlan populated by the Rashemani. When a person or animal dies defending Rashemani lands, they may rise up as a telthor. They become fey with the incorporeal subtype. Telthor gain a fly speed, have animal empathy with one animal type, and communicate telepathically with other nearby telthors. Telthors are bound to a particular place that they defend and may not travel farther than one mile from it. If they travel more that a mile from the site they are bound to, they take one point of damage every minute.

In Ravenloft, telthor are native only to Hazlan and are often found dwelling in or near the strange windmills that dot the Hazlani countryside, though many other places within the domain harbor telthors. Certain Rashemani women know to propitiate these spirits with offerings and gifts, telling them of life in the village. The telthor who are shown this respect are more likely to defend the Rashemani living nearby. Because they are bound to the land, telthor never oppose Hazlan's darklord, Hazlik.


Template, CR +1. [1]

Descriptive Text

When I was young, maybe five, maybe six, I'd go with my grandmother to the windmill near our village. Grandmother was a wise woman, an elder of the village, and it was her duty to take offerings and tidings to the spirits that watched over the village from the windmill.

That day we took a loaf of bread, a roast chicken, a jug of milk, and a jug of beer - a real feast by most standards. Naturally, I wanted some of this food - it smelled wonderful. But naturally, grandmother said 'no,' and carried the chicken and bread herself, leaving the jugs for me to carry.

Eventually, we get to the windmill, an old abandoned place no one used. Instead, grandmother and the other elders would come out here and paint little drawings and stories about life in the village on the walls. Grandmother had taught me about some of the images - the picture for my birth, the old picture of her birth, the time when the Red Wizard visited the village and took five young boys and five young girls from us, never to be seen again.

Grandmother pushed open the mill's door and we went in. All the food and drink we set in the center of the dusty room. I drew a circle in the dust around the food and grandmother addressed the empty room, saying that we had brought food and drink for the spirits and asking them to bless and protect the village. She spoke a few minutes further, recounting events from the village since she had last visited the windmill, finishing by repeating that the food was for the spirits and repeating the request that the spirits protect the village.

After that, we turned and left, not even bothering with the door. Grandmother had told me on one of our previous trips to never look back when we left the windmill. She said the spirits didn't like it. But that day, I snuck a quick glance back.

There were shimmery, transparent figures gathering around the food we'd left. Some were human, but I saw a wolf and a hawk among them. But I only looked for a moment before grandmother grabbed my ear and started scolding me. She never took me with her after that, and steadily grew more and more odd and withdrawn, until one day she walked out into the plains and disappeared.

- a tale related by Itran the Badger, a Rashemani ruin delver[2]

  1. Unapproachable East
  2. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by Chris Nichols), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board.

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