Category:Viejo Sagrado (Prestige Class)

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A merit-based prestige class unique to the qabal known as the reborn Viejos Sagrados.

Members of this prestige class engage in rituals of circle magic, use dream oracles and other means of soothsaying, and study multiple paths of magical power. Due to the influence of the Red Haunt on the organisation's rebirth, members of this prestige class also have limited access to Un-Fire.

There are three tiers of advancement through the prestige class's ranks, partially dependent on publishing research, and which winnow out those not compatible with the clergy of Brightwell.

The ultimate tier of the prestige class grants some form of immortality.

  • Chaotic Evil members of the prestige class can become intelligent ghoul lords with full access to all of their skills and memories.

Pages in category "Viejo Sagrado (Prestige Class)"

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