Category talk:Animated Toys

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Golem and Construct or just Construct?Cure 07:23, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Ticky... The MM defines golems as construct created through magic and animated with an elemental earth spirit. Obviously Ravenloft changes that a bit, and in the RCS, the Dread Golem template is supposedly for any construct brought to life though a dark obsession. But that template gives a lot of bonuses that I don't think every Ravenloft construct needs to have, even though the vast majority of constructs in Ravenloft probably came into being through a dark obsession.

Ultimately, it's an arbitrary distinction, and I think the easiest line to draw is: If it's got Golem in the name, it's a Golem, if not, not. Any counterexamples? -- Gonzoron 20:47, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Well, are these animated through, like, an animator? Or oil of animation? If so, not a golem. As for a possible counterexample, Ron, how about figurines vs figurines of obsession? The former are constructed using golem-like measures, the latter are brought about through obsession. Neither has Golem in the name.DeepShadow 02:35, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

Actually, I checked the module and they are temporarily animated by a Special Ability of Maligno. As such, I say construct only. They aren't permanent enough to be golems. More like an animate objects spell. And now, no more "The Created" questions for me until next week. I packed away the module to move. :) -- Gonzoron 20:04, 20 February 2010 (UTC)