Category talk:Boxed Set

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Should Boxed Sets be in the categories of their contents? Should the individual contents be in the boxed set category?

i.e., is The Nightmare Lands (Boxed Set) in Category:Monster Collection because it includes The Nightmare Lands: The Nightmare Lands Monstrous Supplement?

is The Nightmare Lands: The Nightmare Lands Monstrous Supplement in Category:Boxed Set because it is inside the The Nightmare Lands (Boxed Set)? Gonzoron 20:22, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

Executive decision - created category:Boxed Set Contents for the contents. Each boxed set should have all the other categories that each of its contents have. For example, The Nightmare Lands (Boxed Set) contains a module, a monster collection, and 2 sourcebooks, so it has all three of those categories. -- Gonzoron 12:42, 24 June 2013 (MDT)