Category talk:Fog Cadaver

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Denizens of Dread's description of Fog Cadavers seems to imply they aren't actually zombies, so I left that category off, though the distinction seems awfully thin. -- Gonzoron 16:34, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

What happens when you throw negative/postive energy at them? If they are unturnable individual, but the fog cloud is turnable, or otherwise attackable say with holy water, it might make some sense.

The Zombie Fog cloud is undead and the Fog Cadavers it creates are undead. They are turnable (though the cadavers have some resistance) and theres no reason to believe holy water wouldn't affect them. (though it's hard to throw it on a vaporous creature). There's no doubt they belong in Category:Undead. The question is, do they belong in Category:Zombie. DoDread, p231 says: "Fog Cadavers are slow-moving undead easily mistaken for zombies." That seems to me to say they aren't zombies, though maybe the author really meant "common zombies". Honestly, the distinction is another rules-free, fluff nitpick that won't matter to anyone but Mistipedia sticklers. :) -- Gonzoron 20:50, 13 April 2010 (UTC)