Chadrezzan Ilmiskir

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Chadrezzan Ilmiskir was a travelling swordsman from Unther[1] on the world of Toril.


Between 1321 and 1330 DR[2], while Chadrezzan was travelling the world to master the sword, he made the acquaintance of the Krynnish Wizard of High Sorcery Wick and fell in love with him. When Wick invited him to come live with him in his home, the House of the Red Moon, Chadrezzan accepted.

Regrettably, Wick spent little time with him at the House, being obsessed with travelling to increase his knowledge of arcane magic and his skills with the sword. When Wick did spend time at the House, he treated Chadrezzan more as a sparring partner than as a lover, and Chadrezzan grew convinced that his feelings were not truly requited; he left the House in 1340 DR.

Chadrezzan would not return until after he suffered an injury during the Time of Troubles[3] that left him permanently crippled and ended his hopes of becoming Toril's foremost master of the blade. Partially out of concern for his old lover's safety and partially because he needed a place to rest and recover, Chadrezzan returned to the House of the Red Moon in 1359 DR, only to find it - and Wick's library - abandoned and untouched, due to the wards the Wizard had set.

As he was genuinely concerned to learn Wick's fate, Chadrezzan started to teach himself arcane magic by studying Wick's library. By 1362 DR, he believed that he had mastered the Art to a sufficient degree that he could start designing his own spells. During a misguided attempt to combine Wick's own flawed Conjuration spell (which had carried him from Krynn to Toril) with a Divination, Chadrezzan overtaxed himself and suffered a heart attack. His hybrid spell wrenched the House of the Red Moon into the Demiplane of Dread, where it appeared in the Ulvskoven of Kartakass in 702 BC.

Demiplane of Dread

Although Chadrezzan's soul appears to have passed on to its just reward in the afterlife, his corpse was carried along with the House of the Red Moon. The body was animated upon the House's arrival in Kartakass, and would mindlessly plod around the House until a band of adventurers came upon the House. The warriors struck down Chadrezzan's undead remains, believing it to be a lich, and burned them in the House's hearth before they triggered the wards that ended up killing them.


Chadrezzan's legacy now consists of his private journal and the notebooks full of research he left behind in the library of the House of the Red Moon, and the memories Wick has of him.
