Cineris Forest

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The Cineris Forest is a forest in Malosia that is dominated by the Fair Folk and other woodland spirits. Hunting or killing inside of the forest without giving proper tribute (as in, sacrifice) to the Fair Folk can cause one to become hunted by the Fair Folk, and once their wrath is earned, any humans in the area become hunted unless they somehow give recompense or escape blame. When the wrath of the forest's spirits are earned, even the Redbreasts tremble in fear.[1]

The founding families of the nearby village of Birne made a pact with the spirits of the forest many ages ago, offering regular sacrifice in exchange for agricultural prosperity. The families lived in (and continue to live in) Birne for many generations, as witches in each generation continued to make sacrifices. At first, animal and other minor sacrifices pleased the spirits of the forest, whom only occasionally demanded human sacrifices. However, over the centuries lesser sacrifices have begun to lose their power, and humans were required sacrifice more and more often. The witches have been unable to keep up with the demand of the woodland spirits, therefore causing Birne's agricultural commodities to fail.[2]


  1. Black Crusade p. 121-125
  2. Black Crusade p. 179-181