Harrack Unarth

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Once known as the City of Carousal and now known as the City of Curses, Harrack Unarth was once a city in ancient Bael Turath (of the 4th Edition Points of Light implied campaign world). It is now a ghost town that lies in ruins, inhabited only by a few monsters. It was led to ruin by the decadent excesses imposed on the city by its last rulers before damnation, Lady Ivania Dreygu and Vorno Kahnebor


Following the death of the city's previous lord-mayor, Ivania and Torgo made arrangements with the emperor of Bael Turath for control over thw city. When they assumed control, Ivania and Torgo shifted the city into a more or less perpetual state of debauched festivities. In private, the pair continued the vile indulgences for which their meddling families had though to suppress. Yet Ivania and Vorno kept not their corruption to themselves, but rather the pair introduced all sorts of perversions and debaucheries to the other nobility of Harrack Unarth.[1]

The celebrations of Harrack Unarth's nobility encouraged delivery of exotic creatures and items into the city, getting the attention of the emperor once more. Ivania and Torgo agreed to the emperor's request to see that the creation of the Hellbound, devils fused into the bodies of humanoids, and their integration into society. However, the married pair had their own agenda in mind. Placed in close position to devils, Ivana and Vorno hoped to make the best deals with them. In the first of such deals, Ivania and Vorno became eternally young at the cost of their souls, forfeiting them to Nephigor. Upon their deaths, Ivania and Vorno would be consigned to Hell.[1]

Time did not affect Ivania and Vorno in the same way. While Ivania seemed to retain the same sadistic vibrancy she always head, Vorno became increasingly depressed, paranoid, and removed from everyday life and less able to be cheered up by Ivania's various attempts to forestall his decline. Eventually the pair became alienated from each other. Ivania came to view her husband as ultimately pathetic and boring, Ivania eventually arranged a trap for her husband to end his life once and for all. She drugged a young girl and left her to be eaten by the irresolute Vorno but also filled her blood with poison to kill Vorno when he ate her. Vorno died a horribly messy death reflective of how his life was.[1]

By the time of Vorno's funeral, Harrack Unarth, now known as the City of Carousal, had become such a dangerous place, the nobility followed by general trade began to leave the city. When a mass outbreak of deformities struck the born, this was taken as a sign that the city had become cursed. During winter, a huge blizzard enveloped Harrack Unarth for a considerable time. When the blizzard parted, leaving the city empty to outside observers, its previous inhabitants drawn into the Shadowfell.[2]

Following the blizzard, no dead bodies were found, but those who would seek to profit (looters or plunderers) found the place (and anything taken from it) were horrifically cursed. Moreover, even those families who had fled the city beforehand bore their own cursea. Henceforth, the city was abandoned as the City of Curses.
