Coup Padre

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Coup Padre[1] fruit-bearing plant native to Souragne, that looks rotten when fully mature, covered by a black and ugly exterior that develops under the correct conditions. In its more common premature form, Coup Padre can resembles an eggplant and can be safely consumed. The Coup Padre plant's mature form is rare and hard to identify, requiring a Wilderness Lore DC 25 skill check to find and Profession (herbalist) (DC 18, 14 for Souragnien locals) to identify.

The mature plant requires little to no nourishment or sustenance to keep alive, yet grows stems, roots, and possibly fruit bearing structures when put in the right environmental conditions. Local folklore holds Coup Padre to be the flora preferred by the undead. In fact, Coup Padre put into a powder can be used to help the creation of the undead. When ingested, Coup Padre powder can cause a long-last form of paralysis that resembles death.
