Category:Death's Head Tree

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A Death's Head Tree is a species of Dread Plant. Its seeds germinate on soil where copious amounts of blood have been spilled into the soil. Battlefields and temples where sacrifice of living creatures were performed are fertile soil for the Death's Head Tree. On average, it takes around fifty-five years for a Death's Head tree to germinate and grow into a size where it can bear its fruit, the eponymous Death's Heads. These heads are unquestionably humanoid, with functioning eyes, ears, noses, and a head of hair and they are able to vocalize cries of "help" to lure in prey. Other than this convincing display, they are not sapient creatures. The tree, which is obviously magical in nature, is immune to fire and fire-based magic which will create a nasty surprise to those who first encounter it.[1]

The tree can move its branches to attack and defend, and in this effect it can use its Deaths Head fruit to attack, by biting. These bites are capable of inserting seeds of the Death's Head Tree into the flesh of the victim, which if left untreated will quickly germinate into another Death's Head Tree in hours, and killing the host. [1]

When the heads of the tree fully ripen, they detach and become Detached Death's Heads and are now considered undead creatures.[1]

The existence of the Death's Head Tree was first recorded by adventurers in the domain of Forlorn, but they have been found elsewhere around the Core and among the Clusters and Islands of Terror.

In addition to Forlorn[2], these trees can be encountered in the following domains: Invidia[3], Kartakass[4], Mordent[5], the Shadow Rift[6], and Souragne.[7] ,



Descriptive Text

“So my pretty little elf-thing, yea would look upon the face of your long-lost father, kiss his cheek once more, let him whisper little nonsenses in your ear? T'is a far sweeter thing than to have yea for tea. We be off then to the Willow’s Grove.”

- The Three Hags of Tepest

Descriptive text contributed by cure to John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (posted on the Fraternity of Shadows message board).


Cataloged by Professor Abelhous Nicholsi.].

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Castles Forlorn
Denizens of Darkness

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp28-29
Castles Forlorn: The Weeping Lands - p94
Castles Forlorn: Melancholy Meetings - Cover
Bleak House:Homecoming - p25
Denizens of Darkness - p118

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp28-29
Castles Forlorn: The Weeping Lands - pp94-95
Castles Forlorn: Melancholy Meetings - p31
Bleak House: Homecoming - p26
Denizens of Darkness - pp113, 117-118

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp28-29
Castles Forlorn: The Weeping Lands - p94
Bleak House: Homecoming - p26
Denizens of Darkness - pp117-118

Plant, Death's Head Tree Death's Head Tree Plant

Pages in category "Death's Head Tree"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.