Derek Ravenclaw

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Coming from a merchant family of prominence in the City of Greyhawk on Oerth, Derek Ravenclaw is an adventurer and enchanter wizard. He prefers to use enchantment magic and manipulation over physical injury when dealing with enemies and hostile situations. He once faced a ghost; this encounter left Derek magically aged, mitigated only by a potion off longevity. Since then, Derek has developed a deep and abiding fear of incorporeal undead[1].

At some point, Derek and his fellow adventurers entered the Demiplane of Dread, eventually coming to Villebois in Dementlieu. Mayor Charles de Tantoine may have tried to pin the blame on him for the murders he committed as a lycanthrope[2].


Derek has become the (unexpected to him) target for romantic love by a burglar known as Gem after he charmed her during a dispute in a previous adventure. Although flummoxed by this development, Derek has grown somewhat attached to her. He sponsored her entry into the adventuring party. In general, Derek has amicable enough relations with the majority of the party's other adventurers. He butts heads with Dungannon Jeratte and Draloef Stonegrinder over the moral righteousness of using enchantment magic, but Derek knows not to push his luck too much with Dungannon. Derek also thinks Nuri is a bit too much of a meddler when trying to act as mentor and moral educator for Gem[1].

Game Statistics

male human wizard (enchanter) 5; True Neutral[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Beast Within (1998) p. 12
  2. Derek and hjs teammates are player character included with the Beast Within (1998) scenario.