Dilisnya Estate

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The Dilisnya Estate was a property in northern Mordent. Its current fate is unclear. The father of Lev Dilisnya acquired the property in the years following the annexation of Mordent by the Mists in 579 BC. He built upon it a luxurious manor. Other buildings on the property included a stable. Lev Dilisnya was born in 620 BC, most likely at the estate. By time of the birth of his son Yakov Dilisnya in 641 BC, Lev appears to be the estate's owner. He and his wife Anna Kurdzeil were poisoned to death by their daughter Camille Dilisnya in 698 BC while attending the funeral of her fourth husband. If Lev and Anna immigrated to Borca in years following its advent in 684 BC, the estate may have been sold. If Lev retained possession of it, Camille, as his only surviving child, would have been first in line to lay claim to it. Her role in his death, which the authorities of Mordent could not have ignored in good conscience, might have comprised that claim however. Clifford Dilisnya and Virginia Dilisnya, the children of her brother Richtor Dilisnya, would have been next in line for the property.