Dr. Carrodine

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Dr. Carrodine was a alchemist, pharmacist, and medical researcher who formerly lived in Paridon. He bought the albino slave Rayne Gryphon from Captain Peck. The reason for this purchase was primarily scientific and investigative. Dr. Carrodince sought to study Rayne and find the boy a cure for his condition. After performing torturous (or at least torturing as given by Rayne's claims) experiments upon Rayne, the doctor found a way to give his test subject a full complexion by day. However, Rayne became completely invisible by night. This soured their relationship. When Carrodine tried to remove the chemmical treatment entirely (rather than finish it and let him have a full complexion all the time), Carrodine and Rayne came to blows. The resulting brawl set Carrodine's laboratory ablaze, and Rayne abandoned him to the fire.[1]
