Category:Dusk Elf

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The dusk elf is a minor subrace of the elf character race. It was first introduced to Ravenloft in the 4th Edition Dungeon Magazine article Fair Barovia and later expanded upon in 5th Edition module, Curse of Strahd.

Conceptual Development

Dusk elves were first introduced to Dungeons and Dragons in the 4th Edition Dragon Magazine (#382) article, Winning Races: Dusk Elves by Robert J. Schwalb as another offshoot of the original elf race that would split into several varieties thanks to the conflict between Corellon Larethian and Lolth. In the conflict, the collection of individuals that would become the dusk elves took steps to stay out of the conflict between the two deities and their faithful. Deemed as traitors, the dusk elves' ancestors took to hiding in secret conclaves veiled from the world.Mechanically, they were represented as sylvan elves that took the Dusk Elf Stealth feat.[1] As with other 4th Edition Dragon magazine articles, Winning Races: Dusk Elves contained a number of dusk elf specific feats and powers.[1]

In the Dungeon Magazine #207 article Fair Barovia, Claudio Pozas introduced the dusk elves to Ravenloft in the form of the Velikovnas, a dusk elf clan that were trying to avoid the notice of Strahd yet also become closer to their Barovian human neighbors near Vallaki. In the canon of that article, they had commandeered a nearby unoccupied Vistani camp for their own use[2], thereby creating an association between the dusk elves and the Vistani that would carry over into Curse of Strahd in 5th Edition.[3]

In the 5th Edition module Curse of Strahd, the dusk elves and their history in Barovia were cemented, albeit in piecemeal form.

General Character

Of the elf subraces, dusk elves tend to be among the most morose and reserved, showing a more stilted range of emotional affect. at least around those they do not know. They adopt patterns of clothing that keep themselves from standing out. They are slow to trust and keep their thoughts and feelings close to their chests except for people they know well.[1]

As originally presented, dusk elves were said to be pale of complexion.[1] By contrast, they are of dark skin and complexion according Curse of Strahd.[4]

In Curse of Strahd

In this module, the dusk elves is said to be an almost extinct subrace of elves limited to tiny handfuls in secluded parts of the world. In Barovia, there is a small number of dusk elves that reside in a Vistani camp near Vallaki. Mechanically, dusk elves are identical to wood elves.[5]

In the history presented in CoS, the dusk elf rarity is presented as a factor of their history with the Von Zarovich Family. In Prime Material Barovia, the elves refused allow Barov von Zarovich authority over them. With the aid of the traitor Rahadin, Barov and his forces overthrew their kingdom, wiped out the royal bloodline of their rulers, and massacred many of their number. The survivors were either enslaved or left to the Vistani to deal with. After Strahd took over from his father, he was courted by Patrina Velikovna and returned her affections following the death fo Tatyana Federovna. At her behest, he began turning her into a vampire.[6] Before the transformation was finished, her clan stoned her to death what they thought was a mercykill.[7] Strahd commanded Rahadin to wipe out all the female dusk elves in retaliation, thus consigning the race to eventual genocide.[6] Thus, the ones that still live are all male and several centuries old.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Winning Races: Dusk Elves p. 68-69
  2. Fair Barovia, Dungeon 207 p. 48-49, 53
  3. Fair Barovia is cited as one of the inspirations for CoS on page 3.
  4. Curse of Strahd p. 119-120
  5. Curse of Strahd p. 119-120
  6. 6.0 6.1 CoS p. 262=263
  7. CoS p. 89

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