Elucidating Museum of Anthropological Curiosities

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Located in the Southshore borough of Paridon. Called the "Ellie-Mack" by the locals.[1] Despite the lofty name, Ellie-Mack is mostly just a freak show with most of its subjects being mundane fakes.[2]

The museum has two secrets. First, its former owner Lord Geoffrey Worthington-Davis, is deceased but this truth has been covered up by the employees in favor of Lord Geoffrey's emigration in order to prevent his bigoted would-be heir Millicent Worthington-Davis Hawke, from taking over the show and firing everyone. The other and only sinister secret is that a group of animals brought to the Bestial Sub-Sapience Zoo actually (unknown to the people of the museum) actually are intelligent, coming from the Wildlands. Rather than openly breaking free, they have joined together to form a crime ring under Mr. Silver, a gorilla.[2]


  1. Zherisia Gazetteer p. 21
  2. 2.0 2.1 p. 39