Fairy Stools

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Fairy stools are a species of mushroom native to Tepest. After expose to arcane magic from the conjuration, divination, enchantment or transmutation schools new fairy stools spout in 2d4 hours with a density of 2d8 fairy stools per 10 ft square of exposed area. New mushrooms will record to a degree the actual area of effect of a spell, for example growing in a line for a spell with that shape. Existing mushrooms that are exposed to arcan magic will double in size. A fairy stool within 2 ft. for more than 2d4 minutes of a creature with one or more of the following produces the same effect:

The Tepestani Inquisition exploits fairy stools in two ways. They look for patches of as evidence of the fey themselves, of willingly complicity with the fey, or of encorcelment by fey. Sometimes the very shape of a patch can give them some idea of what transpired. Inquisitors will also sometimes bring a tray of the mushrooms into the presence of a suspect. It is possible that fairy stools are also similarly applied by the Syndicate of Enlightened Citizens.


Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V, p50.