Gaston Rousseau

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Gaston Rousseau, referred to as simply Rousseau by his friends, is a giant who resides in the domain of Chelleaux.


In the city of Chantil, towards the far end of Avenue de Rouge, in the Inn of the Forgotten Truth, there resides a giant named Gaston Rousseau. Rousseau is a peaceful giant, forcefully peaceful, who has dedicated himself to a life of study. Religions, philosophies, histories, the sciences, Gaston Rousseau studies them all with a fierce determination towards bettering himself and broadening his mind. As a giant, he is not of the highest intelligence, but his dedication to his education has, over the years, helped him to become quite knowledgable, and wise.


Rousseau became a permanent resident of the Inn of the Forgotten Truth several years ago when he saved the lives of the children of an innkeeper named Jaque Delan. Jaque and his children, Marie and Fabio, had been walking back to Chantil from Sarnis when they were set upon by bandits, soldiers who had gone to crime. The bandits would have killed them all were it not for the giant.

Rousseau had been living in the forest until then, in a small shack he had made from trees. When the innkeeper saw this, he insisted the lonely giant come to live with them at their inn in Chantil. The stables at the Inn of the Forgotten Truth were given to the giant to serve as his living quarters. And an extra large seat was made for him so that he could sit and dine, or drink coffee, outside on the inn's patio. Lacking any memories of his true identity, the giant eventually started going by the name of Gaston Rousseau.

Current Sketch

Several years have passed since then. Marie and Fabio, have taken over the inn after the death of their father, and both are still very fond of the giant.

As the only known giant in Chelleaux, Rousseau has gained a bit of fame in the domain. Rousseau is not a fan of excess attention, but he has made many friends as a result. Several students from the university frequently bring the giant books to add to his collection, and outside of Marie Delan and Fabio Delan, it is these students who are his closest friends.

There are many students though who feel anger at the giant for not joining with the various rebellions to help over through the aristocrats. The aristocrats simultaneously blame Rousseau for not striking back at the rebels, for the good of Chelleaux. All sides want to use him as a weapon against the others, but Rousseau wants only peace. He wants only to study his books, and see that his friends are unharmed. The deaths of the bandits from whom he rescued Marie and Fabio still weighs on his soul, and he does not wish to be a violent creature. He wants no part in the war.

When the battles reach Chantil though, all sides are careful not to disturb the giant. For when the battle gets close enough to the inn to anger Rousseau, to actually cause him to have to put down his books and rise from his chair, all combat in the area immediately ceases. And the crowd goes silent. In all the armies and rebel groups in Chelleaux, there none who would dare to engage Rousseau in combat, none who could even meet his glare as he silently dares them to continue their attack. For this reason, the neighborhood around the Inn of the Forgotten Truth is one of the most untouched by the war in all of Chelleaux.


Many designers in Chelleaux have sewn clothes for this giant. When one designer, a friend of Rousseau's in Chantil, designed an outfit for him as a gift, a second designer made him one out of competition. Suddenly, designers from all across Chelleaux were creating the highest possible fashions for him to wear. Before he knew it, Rousseau had one of the most elaborate wardrobes in all the domain.