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Grimmric is the bat dread familiar of Liability Mourneswaith.

During the long-lasting campaign known as the Eye of Anubis, the little bat alternatively lived in a special box Lia had created for his convenience, or else nestled in her hair. While not a strong combatant, Grimmric made himself invaluable by serving as a scout and recruiting natural bats to provide the members of the Expedition with up-to-date information and guidance as needed.

For as long as the campaign lasted, Grimmric's alignment never became an issue, be it because he was more accustomed to taking his cues from his mistress than he was to acting on his own, because he did not have the power to do a lot of damage on his own, or because he trusted that his mistress was powerful enough (and kept growing in strength) that she could tend her own affairs.

From a certain point onward, Grimmric developed an intense animosity for the fiendish crow that served sellsword Jervis/Iosef Dilisnya. The creature tried to kill Grimmric in revenge for Lia having earlier attacked the bird, believing it to be a spy for one of the Expedition's enemies, but the bat managed to escape with a combination of aerial acrobatics and a surprise attack; ceasing motion in mid-flight, Grimmric hit the crow full in the face and it flew into the window of an occupied home. Grimmric then flew away while the crow was still occupied, declaring his hatred for the 'stupid bird'.