Malleus Umbricum

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The Malleus Umbricum or Hammer of Shades was written by Wyan of Viktal as a guide to battling the fey. [1] It is not an especially accurate work, and Dr. Van Richten had intended to pen a more correct text on the subject before he died. His copy of Malleus Umbricum was inherited by the Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins, who, upon finding it, were inspired to write Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey.

The book, as typical of the Tepestani Inquistion at times casts a too-wide net that threatens to encompass spellcasters of all sorts, with the exception of clerics of Belenus.

The Syndicate of Enlightened Citizens has funded the work's translation into every language of consequence in the Core. These translations are even more inaccurate than the original.

In Hazlan copies are confiscated and burned by order of Hazlik. Indeed their publisher was burnt alive atop a pile of them at a ceremony assisted by the Red Wizard who made a point of not only lighting the fire but also weaving magic into the flames to make them burn with hideous slowness.
