Mayor Horace DuClerk

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Horace DuClerk is the father of the late Verity DuClerk and the former friend of her fiancee Dr. Cyrus Vannen. Horace DuClerk is also the mayor of an unnamed city ravaged by the Rot.


Years ago, Horace DuClerk's city was ravaged by a virulent plague known simply as the Rot, and its population dropped down to that of a town. Horace DuClerk and Dr. Vannen worked closely together to limit the spread as much as they could with strict and sometimes brutal quarantines and the like. Verity, Horace's daughter, gave up life as a pianist to assist her fiancee in tending to the sick. The Rot claimed her as well. Vannen's seeminng inability to save her caused an indelible rift to form between Vannen and Horace.[1] They have not spoken to this day, despite the fact that Horace believes Vannen to be a hero.[2]

The years have past, and Mayor DuClerk has retained the position primarily because nobody else wishes to fill it. His mind has grown somewhat addled and paranoid in the onslaught of years and grief. Mayor DuClerk has no knowledge of Dr. Vannen's illicit medical and occult activities, including the creation of the Aggregate golem.[2]

Game Statistics

male human fighter 5; Lawful Neutral[2]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: The Created

Children of the Night: The Created - p12

Children of the Night: The Created - p12