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Kazazumi is a beautiful island tall mountains, lovely trees and waterfalls. Because of the good weather food is plentiful and cheap.

Warning: The following homebrew information is for mature audiences. It is strongly recommended to consider carefully if this idea is within the bounds of acceptability for your group. Remember that horrifying your PCs is not the same as making your players personally uncomfortable.

Sadly this island is unsafe. The cities have large red-light districts with many brothels and taverns. Encouraged by his Hebi-no-ona concubine, the lord of the island has set up a flourishing slave trade. A traveler alone here is running the risk of being abducted and sent to the brothels or sold into slavery elsewhere. Because of this, natives are never seen alone but always with guardians, usually strong family members. [1]


  1. User:Brilliantlight's Rokushima Taiyoo revamp