The Last (To Inherit Eternity)

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Formerly the humanoid sage Kiethos aux Brugemont, the being now known simply as the Guardian or the Last is an ever-spreading, self-healing mass of aberrant flesh. Other than the One, Kiethos was the only man to find immortality at the Well of Life, though in the end he paid the steep cost of becoming totally inhuman. Now the Last has vowed to make sure no more people become immortal abomination like himself. The Last never leaves the Well of Life, but he has other means to extend his reach beyond the Heart of Darkness. He usually recruits through bargains and logic, often with offers of his ever-living flesh to entice bargainers. The Last can communicate and influence anyone with some of his flesh attached with enchantment spell-like abilities (depending upon the Intelligence of his targets). The Last uses his agents to falsify the existence of immortality or to make it seem more harmful than good. These endeavors to prevent others from achieving immortality has made him the eternal foe of the One[1].

The Last may have made a deal with Captain Ferril Conklin Harrow to restore his vitality, his blind eye, and missing hand for one final adventure before death[2]. Note that the Last was never given a full statistics block, so any creature type below is speculative.
