Lady Gertrude Dilisnya

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Gertrude Dilisnya was born to Duchess Dorfniya Dilisnya and Pidlwik Dilisnya in Prime Material Barovia in 315 BC. She was the younger sister of Reinhold Dilisnya, the older sister of Oleka Dilisnya, the younger half-sister of Leo Dilisnya, the granddaughter of Izabela Dilisnya, and the aunt of at least six including Lovina Wachter. She married Ivan Buchvold and bore him three children.

Lady Gertrude, her husband, and at least two of their children attended the doomed wedding of Sergei von Zarovich in 351 BC where Leo orchestrated a massacre intended to wipe out the Von Zarovches. Gertrude's brother Reinhold, her sister Oleka, three of her sister's four children, her husband Ivan, herself, and at least two of their three children were among the many who died in Castle Ravenloft, their blood on Leo's hands.[1][2]
