Law of Arak

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Set by Arak the Erlking, the Law of Arak is the only law that the entirety of the Arak obey: a shadow elf shall never cause the death of another shadow fey. If one of the Arak is found guilty of breaking this law, the offender is utter abandoned by the rest of their kind, whom will never interact with the offender again. This punishment is called the Shunning.[1]

In the 5,000 relative years the shadow fey have existed within Ravenloft, only once has a transgression broken this law.[1] Loht, Prince of the Arak, was the chief transgressor. With the assistance of Jozell, he staked Tristessa and her child to Mount Lament and left them to be vaporized by the sun.[2] However, Jozell took the fall, resulting in her being exiled from the rest of her people.[1]

This law does not apply to changelings killing changelings.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Gazetteer V p. 114
  2. Gazetteer V p. 160