Le Ballet National du Dementlieu

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The Ballet National du Dementlieu is a venerable and troubled dance company based in Port-a-Lucine. The most recent and consequential problems have included: gross financial improprieties that led to the shuttering of the company from 746 BC to 748 BC; the adaptation of Vecheq's Raven Field for the 757 BC season that precipitated a diplomatic incident between Borca and Dementlieu; and disappearence of the entirety of the ballet's performers and much of its artistic direction in 758 BC while on tour in Darkon. Efforts to get the national ballet back up on its feet are, however, going well enough and it expects to be back in business for the 761 BC season.

The national ballet is heavily subsidised by the Council of Brilliance which deems it to be a jewel in the cultural crown of Dementlieu. This funding has always come with strings. Ballets must be approved - and they are subject to modification - by state censors. Well-connected, but not necessarily competent, individuals are frequently thrust upon the institution, giving rise to violent jealousies and usually harming the quality of the ballet. Even the number of seats that are filled on a given night is, to a significant degree, a function of government whim. The house will invariably be packed with nobles and wealthy merchants when a foreign dignitary is invited to attend the ballet in the company of the Lord-Governor or certain members of the Council of Brilliance. On many other nights tickets might as well be given away for free at the door.