Lethe's Kiss

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Lethe's kiss is an expensive and rare drug and poison used by Zherisian doppelgangers. It has potential medical application to the immediate treatment of event-indcued fear, horror and madness.

Author's Description

"Lethe's kiss serves as both a soporific and a memory-disrupting "date rape" drug, used to incapacitate human couples and to ensure they won't recall the precise circumstances of a doppelganger child's conception.

Being immune to sleep or grogginess, doppelgangers are unaffected by Lethe's kiss, so often coat their hands with this colorless, odorless poison and administer it by touch. They avoid using it in other circumstances, as it is extremely expensive to manufacture; for procreation, however, it is ideal, as a newly-conceived doppelganger isn't harmed if the drug is used on the birth-surrogate. Lethe's kiss is never sold to non-doppelgangers, and its formula is a closely guarded secret."


Contact poison DC 18, Initial damage - sleep 1d3 hours; Secondary damge - memory loss*

  • "A victim that succumbs to this effect becomes so groggy that she will remember nothing that happened to her in the 10 minutes prior to being drugged, or the 30 minutes afterward. Modify Memory or the Hypnosis skill can retrieve memories suppressed by Lethe's kiss."


Van Richten's Guide to Doppelgangers (Book)

Van Richten's Guide to Doppelgangers (Book) - p124

Van Richten's Guide to Doppelgangers (Book) - p124