Leticia Mindefisk

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Canon information

Leticia Mindefisk is a sea hag. She is one of the Three Hags of Tepest who are the joint Darklords of Tepest, and they are all sisters. Of the three, Leticia is the oldest. She dwells with her sisters at the heart of the Wormwood[1].

For general information common to the three sisters, please refer to article on The Three Hags.

Dread Familiar

Laveeda's dread familiar is a toad with the Goblin Beast Template[2].

Noncanon information

Leticia Mindefisk was the most attractive of the three girls. Leticia had a talent for jewelry. When she was a child, she used to take twine and string various shells together to make necklaces. When she was a little older, she learned to use some of the farm tools to drill small holes in stones and string them together to make small bracelets and necklaces. A local jeweler was amused by the little girl’s jewelry until he saw her make a necklace. She made one very quickly and easily for her age. He asked her questions about how she picked the stones and which stones went together. He was impressed with her answers and took her to his shop. He showed her various jewelry and asked which ones she liked the most and she always picked out the most expensive.

She was apprenticed for a while, but her father took all the money she earned. Angered by this, she started to deliberately make mistakes to get herself fired. If she pursued her craft, she could have become the greatest jeweler in the kingdom after she got from under her father’s thumb. Her father merely took this as another sign of her uselessness and abused her more than any of the other girls. She was the one who led the three sisters in murdering their kin.

Leticia is a bit of a pyromaniac and will use fire spells in preference to others, except for her protection spells. She likes to loose fiery destruction on her opponents, although acid and electricity will do if they resistant to fire. She has a fiery temper as well, she is the quickest to anger and that is measured against very serious competition

Leticia Mindefisk Sea Hag 9th level sorcerer

HD 3D6+9D4+15
HP 55; AC 19
SA spells, evil eye, hideous, horrific appearance, mimicry; SQ   darkvision 90 ft., amphibious,
cauldron of life, change shape, enemy of light, spell resistance 14, telepathy,
Damage Reduction 3/cold iron, +3 Save Vs Enchantments, confusion, dimension door, and 
summon nature’s ally V  1 X day, shared fate. Create Hag Potion, Create Wand
Saves Fort +6 Ref +7 Will+9(+12 vs Enchantments)
Str 16
Dex  14
Con 12
Int 20
Wis 13
Chr 26
Skills and feats : Bluff +25 Craft: Jewelry +23 Concentration +13 Knowledge(Arcana) +23
Knowledge (Fey) +23 Spellcraft +23, Fey Heritage, Fey Skin, Fey Legacy; Spell Focus: Enchantment
as bonus feat; Create Hag Potion as Bonus Feat A Hag Potion is the same as a regular potion except
it can contain any spell a hag can cast regardless of level; Create Wand as a bonus feat
Possessions : Bracelets of armor +3, ring of protection +2, shawl of Charisma +2 (as cloak),
hag eye, Staff of Fire, Broom of Flying 

Casts spells as 15th level sorcerer

7th - Delayed Blast Fireball, Limited Wish 
6th - Flesh to Stone, Mass Suggestion, Acid Fog 
5th - Dominate Person, Wall of Stone, Teleport, Passwall 
4th - Stoneskin, Charm Monster, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire 
3rd - Magic circle vs Good, Suggestion, Fireball, Lightning Bolt 
2nd - Protection from arrows, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Continual Flame, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
1st - Charm Person, Mage Armor, Burning Hands, Sleep, Color Spray
0 - Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Touch of Fatigue, Resistance, Acid Splash,
Arcane Mark , Mending 



Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Secrets of the Dread Realms
Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p53
Domains of Dread - p40
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p86
Darklords - p37

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp51-54
Domains of Dread - p39
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p84
Darklords - p43

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp51-54
Domains of Dread - pp39-40
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp84-87
Darklords - pp36-43