Lord Odieu

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Lord Odieu is a minor character from the Ravenloft product line novel Carnival of Fear. He is a citizen of the City of l'Morai and a member of the Council of l'Morai. When Morcastle, Hermos, and Marie the Blind Juggler were put on trial for charges that could lead to their deaths, Lord Odieu stopped by to hear their accounts why they were guiltless. Because Odieu recognized the description of the murder they were chasing as Domininick the Butcher, he arranged for them to be acquitted of charges.[1] Odieu also supported their case in court[2] and voted against the dismissal of the charges against Dominick.[3]

Lord Odieu's motives may be less noble than they seem, for as one of the Councilors, Lord Odieu is a former master of Carnival l'Morai and bearer of the the ruby pendant. Thus, he knows of the ultimately sinister purpose of the carnival, the Council, and the living death punishment.[4] T herefore, he would likely be in on, and maybe even assisting with, the plot to frame Dominick for the Puppetmaster's murders.


  1. Carnival of Fear p. 72-75
  2. CoF p. 110
  3. CoF p. 133
  4. 304-306