Lost Mountains

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The Lost Mountains are a mountain range in al Kathos. Abd-al-Mamat brought his tribe to the feet of the Lost Mountains' final spire following the death of their sheikh. Over time, the camp grew into a great city.[1] Although disaster came for the city in Abd-al-Mamat's lifetime, at least the shell of his Hall of Judgement still remains, awaiting the return of the rest of his body parts, specifically his skull.[2]

The Lost Mountains are full of winding paths. Make the wrong turn, and you can get lost for months, hence the name. There are a number of caliban bandit gangs hidden in the foothills, outcasts from the towns. They band together getting revenge on those who cast them out for no real reason. There are a large number of mountain goats in the area who are very defensive of their territory. They are quite aggressive and strong and can easily badly wound and even kill unwary travelers. Worse yet are the mountain lions who prey on the goats and any passers by. Worst of all, close to the Burning Citadel are the priests of Set and their undead. The priests are always eager to increase their number of undead servants, so people rarely come any where near it by choice.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Tales of Ravenloft:The Judgement of Abd-al-Mamat

Tales of Ravenloft:The Judgement of Abd-al-Mamat - p161