Marcel Banoliér

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Marcel Banoliér is a, unique dread clockwork golem (something of a smaller and weaker mechanical golem) originally crafted by Clyde Banoliér to serve as a "little brother". However, Clyde treated Marcel more as a toy than a brother, leaving Marcel to obsess over what it is to be real (and thus what it is to have a soul.) When Clyde couldn't provide Marcel with a soul, the clockwork golem went on a rampage, driving Clyde into the night.[1]

Although Marcel doesn't particularly seek the death of his maker, he is obsessed with finding a soul. Although this may only happen if the golem overtakes his selfishness and wrath, Marcel may never accomplish this. Marcel lurks in an abandoned theater in Port-a-Lucine, interrogating passersby on the nature of souls. Marcel fancies himself as, and fights like, a swashbuckler He typically goes by the identity of a masked Dementlieuse eccentric and nobleman. [2]


unique clockwork golem rogue 3, Chaotic Evil, CR 7
