March of Goteer

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The March of Goteer was a region of lowlands between Merion and the Barony of the Western Highlands. Its ties to the Merionites made the Barony of the Western Heartlands and the March of Goteer enemies of each other. In the winter of 206 BC, The Western Highlands called upon the Barony of Forfar for assistance, and Rivalin ApTosh was among the Forfarian soldiers to answer the call. His eadership and single-handed slaying of the Goteeran leader Earl DunDugan earned Rivalin glory. The druids of Forfar called upon a storm to plague the Goteeran forces. However, Rivalin was mortally wounded in the chaos and preyed upon by a vampire, leading Rivalin to become a vampire himself. His return to Flora ApBlanc and Birnam predicated a series of events that would deliver the Barony of Forfar to the Land of Mists.[1]


  1. Gazetteer I p. 70-71