Maria Diazi

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Maria Diazi was born in 668 BC and was most likely Mordentish, although Barovian is also conceivable. Siegfried Grymig began an affair with her at some point between 681 BC and 684 BC. Camille Dilisnya, his wife, discovered the existence of the affair in 684 BC and poisoned to death the lovers in what would soon prove to be the seminal event that gave birth to Borca and made her its Darklord. The Mordentish authorities failed to solve the mystery of the murders, although the truth of the matter is now an open secret. As a precaution, the parents of Camille sent her from Mordent to distant relatives in Invidia. En route, she was seized by the Mists and Borca was formed with her as its Darklord.

Data not yet in the Ravenloft Catalogue

Domains of Dread

Realm of Terror - p121
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume IV -p16