Marietta Graben

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Marietta Graben is, along with the majority of the Graben Family, a lebendtod and undead servant of Meredoth. She is the sister of Ezekiel Graben and mother of Driddam Graben, Stymar Graben, Araby Graben, Elena Graben, and Rosalee Graben. Marietta is the grandmother of numerous individuals, including Blaine Graben, Lucretia Graben, and Olsain Graben, as well as the great-grandmother of many more. As of 737 BC, Marietta's husband is long deceased, but she remains alive. She lives in her own suite within the main residence of the Graben Family Estate on Graben Island. As one of the oldest Grabens, Marietta never makes public appearances to the Village of Graben.[1].


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

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