Marik the Mouse-eater

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Marik the Mouse-eater[1] is an NPC from the module Dark of the Moon. In universe, he is the resident hedge wizard of the village of Vorostokov. Cryptic and eccentric, Marik mostly lives apart from the other villagers, and they avoid him save to enlist his advice or counsel. Still, Marik is canny, being the only one in the village to deduce Gregor Zolnik and the Boyarsky's natures as werewolves. However, he remains silent because of his fear for their wrath.

Marik received his odd nickname because he will not consume any meat provided by Gregor Zolnik, and so he literally subsists on field mice when necessary to survive.

In Dark of the Moon

Marik advises the player characters to eschew confrontation with Gregor in favor of flight. If questioned on how to defeat Gregor, he directs the characters to visit Gregor's old house.

Game Statistics

Wizard 2; Chaotic Neutral


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - p44

Dark of the Moon - p44