Mirela Vadoma

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Mirela Vadoma is a minor character from Heaven's Bones. She was the wife of Pietre Volmi and the mother of twins, Jaelle Vadoma and Tibor Vadoma. Despite the possible ramifications of allowing a Dukkar to live, Mirela could not bring herself to harm young baby Tibor, whom showed signs of awareness indicative of a male Vistana with the Sight. Tibor showed a nasty habit of biting her breasts when nursing, a practice that led Mirela to nurse Jaelle much more than Tibor. Yet when Tibor bit deep into her breast and made it bleed, Mirela concealed the wound from the rest of her tribe for fear they would kill the child. Consequently, it became infected and she died soon thereafter. Disgusted with the tribe that suffered a Dukkar to live, Pietre Volmi abandoned the Vadomas, leaving Jaelle and Tibor to be raised by their aunt and uncle.[1]


  1. Heaven's Bones, Kindle Edition, Locations 433-464