Mrs. Heywood

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Mrs. Heywood is a character from the novel I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin. She is the owner of Mrs. Heywood's Bookshop. She is a friend of Rudolph Van Richten.

In I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin

In this novel, a haggard man named Milos attempts to sell a supposed copy of Strahd von Zarovich's diary with notations by Azalin to Mrs. Heywood. She holds it for the day such that she and Dr. van Richten can read it and ensure its authenticity.

However, once night comes, a vampire minion (presumably either Strahd's or else a Kargat agent) enters Mrs. Heywood's bookshop to retrieve the book and apprehend the thief. Milos surrenders the book but retreats. The vampire fiendishly thanks the horrified Mrs. Heywood for delaying the thief and promises Milos would be tracked down and fed upon. The vampire then induces a horrible nightmare-filled sleep upon Mrs. Heywood.

The events of Mrs. Heywood and her bookstore serve as framing devices for are the journals of Strahd and Azalin that comprise the majority of the book's text.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

I, Strahd, The War Against Azalin

I, Strahd, The War Against Azalin - pp1-13, pp304-310