Category:Mummified Creature

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A mummified creature is a creature (corporeal giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid[1], orother corporeal creature except for construct, ooze, or undead[2])that has the general abilities of a standard mummy but retains its own abilities and skills it had while it was alive.[1][2] This is an alternate template to the ancient dead templates of the Ravenloft campaign setting, though without the variety or customization. A Mummified Creature is created mechanics wise by applying the Mummified Creature Template to the base creature.

Mummified creatures have all of the standard mummy's general special abilities. As such, sight of the mummified creature can cause paralyzing despair, and its slam (or other natural attack) afflicts its target with mummy rot. Mummified creatures are resistant to physical damage, but are vulnerable to fire damage.[1][2]

Descriptive Text

What fools we were to let hope cloud judgement. Clearly Raoul’s mind had been unhinged by our time in the Amber Wastes. Our personable, unassuming, ever practical friend had become haughty, domineering, grandiose, and not just a little delusional. After he roast alive a flock of sheep, insisting that they were assassins sent against his august person, we at last broached with him the question of institutionalisation. He seemed saner afterwards, persuading us that he only needed bed rest and accepting that Annabel accompany him home. Two months later the enormity of our error came loping down his laneway. There to greet us was his beloved old wolf hound Luthia or rather an abomination of the loyal old gal. For between those creaking bones and within that drum tight skin there was no life.

-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Luteum, Darkonese adventurer[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Libris Mortis p. 110-112
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Risen Dead, Dragon Magazine #300, p. 72-73
  3. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by cure), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board.

Pages in category "Mummified Creature"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.