Neerajah Samarasinghe

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Neerajah Samarasinghe, a half-vistana martial artist and shadow-warrior from Sri Raji, joined Kara's Daughters after they saved her life while she was traveling through Invidia. Although generally kind-hearted and caring, she sticks to her guns and can be quite gruff at times. It is generally known that she is connected to the Vistani and is skilled in Tarokka readings. She has recently taken her place as martial arts instructor within Kara's Daughters, replacing the AWOL Michizure. Mainly teamed with the KD group in Dementlieu with Estelle Vedarrak, she has recently reclaimed her citizenship status with Falkovnia, and has gained reputation due to a hand-to-hand fight with Kingfuhrer Vlad Drakov himself, which resulted in her actually accomplishing what has not been heard of previously, the release of a middle-aged 'thief' from being Drakov's...dinner entertainment.

Neerajah's current focus is the development of her own martial arts style which will combine the mental and physical discipline of the monk, with the stealth techniques of the ninja. She has currently setup a dojo at the residence of Markos Vederak, where she currently has a small but good enlistment of students.[1]
