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In San Bartoloméan religion and mythology, the Njelx were the first creatures born from the union of Homme and Femme. Early in the Njelx's history there was a great split between those who believed who should be able to join their ranks once their souls had evolved far enough. The benedici, led by Azuzeth, called for all souls to eventually join their ranks once they were sufficiently evolved. The daemonica, led by Ezimel, called for only the elite chosen of the Njelx to join their ranks. The two factions split the race and have warred with each other to this day. For game purposes, the Njelx are considered to be the equivalent to powerful celestials. Of the Njelx, only Estimel has figured out how to grant divine spells to those who worship him.[1]

The Njelx play an important part in San Bartoloméan morality in that the are the watchers of a person's evil and good actions, which affects the purification and development of soul. In addition, humans who are sufficiently advanced in their soul evolution go on to become new Njelx.[2]



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