Return of the Lucky Seven

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Written by R. Derek Pattison

Domain: Broward


Summary: The town and domain of Broward suffer under a unique curse. A long time ago, the mountain valley was ruled by a baron who was benevolent in most matters except a utter hatred for children, to a point that his men had to restrain him whenever he caught sight of one. He took many lovers even among the common people. One of these lovers was a vistani woman whose exotic ways drew the baron. But when she announced she was having his child, the baron slew her. Before the last breath made it past her lips, however, she uttered a curse, "In the name of all the gods, dark and light, may you forever cursed to be the Boogey-Man, the haunter of children's dreams, reappearing every generation until seven children unite to confront their fears." The dark powers took notice, and Broward was cast adrift into the mists, and the Baron became Red Eyes, a ghostly figure that haunts the children's nightmares. Every twenty years, a group of seven children were born, who together have power to stop Red Eyes. But Red Eyes has managed to separate and slay or enslave them each generation. As this went on Red Eyes became more powerful and realized that adults did not acknowledge his presence, and that he could take their children and they would forget they existed. Thus Red Eyes became even more despicable and the dark powers rewarded him with more power. One year, Kilydd, a elven wild mage who came to Broward, was sufficiently childlike that he could detect Red Eyes, realized what was happening and intervened, saving the seven children of that generation. Now another twenty years have passed, those children had grown up and went their separte ways and all but forgotten the incident, but the mage is about to reunite them with this generation's seven, which might be enough to finally defeat him. But Red Eyes was not going to be caught off guard by the mage again... and struck first. Each of the seven have a special empowered item, Red Eyes can use his power to drain the age of the current seven in hopes to make them children again, scaring them and enslaving them. Red Eyes feeds upon children's dreams, turning the child into a mindless servant. With special care he can create many different undead from children he has drained. [1]

The adventure begins at The Howling Wolf Inn and Tavern where the now-grown children (6 PCs and 1 NPC) gather.[2]
