Robert Gauldamon

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Robert Gauldamon is an aristocrat of Mordent, a rare surviving scion of the Gauldamon family and a misogynistic murderer, musician and madman.


Robert was born as half of a pair of fraternal twins. Growing up, he was extremely close to his sister Roberta Gauldamon, with whom he shared a love of music and song. Initially, the twins trained together, but when Robert's talent and skills surpassed Roberta's, she became insanely jealous and started avoiding him, much to his distress.

In the summer of 583 BC, Robert met a beautiful woman named Lisette during a nature walk, who offered him a kiss for a song. Unaware of Lisette's true nature as a Lhiannan shee, Robert was seduced and almost died due to repeated draining. A band of mercenaries, hired by Robert's worried parents, exposed Lisette and drove her off, but not before she clawed Robert in the throat, nearly killing him and destroying his beautiful singing voice.

584 BC: Somewhat recovered but still traumatised by his experiences and the loss of his voice, Robert sought out his sister in hopes of mending the rift that had come to separate them. He found horror instead, as he discovered Roberta and Lisette together in the forest, worshipping a grinning Fiend. Upon hearing that Roberta had actually sent Lisette to prey on him, and that the Fiend had been transferring his drained singing prowess to her, Robert went insane. He fled wildly, blindly into the Mists, content to be lost forever.

585 BC: The Red Haunt found Robert wandering in the border mists of Darkon. Intrigued by the seething madness and hatred he carried, she nursed him back to health and taught him many things. By the time Robert decided he had enough of her care and tutelage, he was a man transformed. Driven by a loathing of women and deceivers, he set out to expose selfishness and ugliness (as he saw these, anyway) in the worst ways possible.

Current Sketch

Robert Gauldamon is known as a masterful creator of musical instruments, a musician of copious talent, and a musical instructor. Most of the time, that appears to be all he is. But when the moon is right - or wrong - and his Muse is willing, his malice comes bubbling to the surface. At these times, he creates beautiful instruments imbued with horrific curses, all of them aimed at women in general and musicians in particular. As every victim that perishes to Robert's creations extends his life and renews his youth, he still looks to be a young man in the prime of his life. Only his dead-eyed stare and the hideous scars he hides under his cravat betray the monster he hides inside.

From 722 BC to 729 BC, Robert was living in Levkarest and shared a town house with the Succubus Slap. While Robert loathed the Fiend as much as any female, the arrangement of supposedly having a mistress granted him a veneer of normalcy, and he enjoyed having access to demonic hair, which he used to string a new line of cursed violins. The arrangement ended when Slap learned how Robert had been using her hair and drew the Borcan authorities to their town house in revenge, forcing Robert to flee.